Orange Group





Sort 47: Short Vowels before nt, nd, and nk

a: ant, plant, hand, land, stand, and, bank, thank, blank

e: went, spent, send, blend

i: print, wind, pink, wink, think, stink, drink

u: hunt, junk, trunk

Oddball: want


nt: went, hunt, ant, want, print, plant, spent

nd: hand, send, land, wind, stand, blend, and

nk: junk, pink, wink, think, bank, stink, drink, thank, blank, trunk

Additional Words: pant, chant, sand, band, grand, sank, spank, yank, drank, bunk, bent, dent, rent, tent, end, bend, mend, lend, spend, lint, link, sink, blink, runt, stunt, chunk


Sort 48: Short o and or 


fork: for, corn, fort, born, sort, torn, short, sport, storm, horn

sock: fox, drop, rot, shop, rock, pond, spot, trot

oddball: word, work, your


Additional Words: cord, cork, form, thorn, pork, sword, snort, porch, north, horse, story, worm, worth, world



Sort 49: Short a and ar

star: car, farm, part, far, bark, art, card, yard, shark, dark, park, jar, arm

cat: brag, drag, crab, snap, crash, trap

oddball: war, are


Additional Words: bar, cart, barn, dart, hard, harm, tart, yarn, charm, chart, scarf, scar, sharp, smart, march, large, charge, park, mark, spark, start


Sort 50: Contractions


I: I'm I am, I'll I will


is: it's it is, that's that is, he's he is


not: can't can not, didn't did not, don't do not, wasn't was not, isn't is not